NRS Hospital

Current Status and management of Swine Flu

Current Status and management of Swine Flu

  • August 18, 2022

The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It became known as swine flu because it’s similar to flu viruses that affect pigs.It spread rapidly from country to country because it was a new type of flu virus that few young people were immune to. Overall, the outbreak was not as serious as originally predicted, largely because many older people were already immune to it. The A/H1N1pdm09 virus is now one of the seasonal flu viruses that circulate each winter. If you’ve had the flu in the last few years, there’s a chance it was caused by this virus.

As many people now have some level of immunity to the A/H1N1pdm09 virus, it’s much less of a concern than it was during 2009 to 2010.

  • What is Swine flu?

Its flu is caused by a strain(H1N1,H1N2 etc) of Influenza(Type A) group of viruses. Its name is so because the virus strains were first isolated in pigs. Though it is named as just a flu, it can sometimes cause serious viral  pneumonia and may need hospitalization.

  • Symptoms of Swine Flu?

Fever usually high grade, cough, sore throat, chills, weakness and body aches. Children, pregnant women and the elderly may have severe symptoms.

  • Who needs Swine Flu testing?

Patients with severe symptoms or children, pregnant women or elderly persons should be tested for swine flu.

  • What testing is needed for swine flu diagnosis?

Along with routine/ basic investigations, RT-PCR of Naso-pharyngeal swab is the best modality for diagnosis but in later stages of disease HR CT Chest is required for diagnosis of this viral pneumonia.

  • What is the best approach towards treatment of Swine Flu?

Just like common flu and COVID19 many patients are mildly symptomatic and  can be treated on an out-patient basis, while those with moderate to severe symptoms should immediately seek proper consultation with General Physician( MBBS MD Medicine) and if required get hospitalized. Patients with comorbidity should be particularly  monitored for severe symptoms and development of pneumonia,  ARDS etc

  • What do you need to do to prevent this infection?

Just like common flu swine flu has become endemic in our societies , means infection persists in societies at a small scale throughout the year  and in between, particularly during monsoon season or winter season the cases suddenly rise giving the impression of epidemic. We at an individual level need to avoid crowded places, not drink cold water or cold drinks and also avoid cold food, save ourselves from rain and cold weather. Take plenty of water and a balanced diet with regular exercise. Also get yearly Flu shots, particularly the high risk population should take these shots.

We at NRS Hospital have experienced physicians available 24*7 , having experience of tackling previous Swine Flu Pandemic and many Epidemics. We immediately test these patients for the infection and plan further management to gauge severity of disease and proper treatment. We have a well equipped ICU and in-house imaging facility as well.

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