Dr. Sachin Hundekari is eminent cardiologist from Pune, who has experience of 11 years in the field of cardiology, trained in one of the best cardiac institutes KIMS hospital & Research Center at Hyderabad and practiced in various Super speciality hospitals in Hyderabad & Mumbai.
“Dr. Sachin Hundekari” Locations
About “Dr. Sachin Hundekari”
Dr. Sachin Hundekari is eminent cardiologist from Pune, who has experience of 11 years in the field of cardiology, trained in one of the best cardiac institutes KIMS hospital & Research Center at Hyderabad and practiced in various Super speciality hospitals in Hyderabad & Mumbai. Now he is giving services for various hospitals in Pune for the last 3 years. Compassion for work, Case for every patient is his motto. He has presented many papers in National and International conferences. He is an expert in radial interventions.
Offered Services
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
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